El karst es una forma de relieve formado en un entorno de materiales carbonatados a causa de la acción del agua mediante procesos de meteorización química. En un relieve kárstico podemos distinguir entre elementos endokársticos, que son los que se encuentran bajo la superficie y elementos exokársticos, ubicados en superficie y a la …
DetailsKarst. Terrain or type of topography generally underlain by soluble rocks, such as limestone, gypsum, and dolomite, in which the topography is chiefly formed by dissolving the rock; karst is characterized by sinkholes, depressions, caves, and underground drainage. An area possessing surface topography resulting from the underground solution of ...
DetailsEvaporite karst is commonly referred to as the pseudokarst, which consists, sensu largo, of karst landforms developed on other types of rocks than carbonates (Onac 2000).These rocks can be volcanic, metamorphic, or sedimentary, with variable contributions to cave-forming processes and related surface karst features.
DetailsKarst in Arizona. In Arizona karst landscapes and features are common and occur in the state's three physiographic regions: Colorado Plateau, Transition Zone, and the Basin and Range Province. On northern Arizona's Colorado Plateau the Permian Kaibab Formation, a karstic limestone, is prevalent at the surface and in the shallow subsurface.
DetailsKireç taşı kelimesi kireç ocağında işlenerek kireç elde edilen, kalsiyum karbon tuzundan bileşik kayaç, kalker anlamına gelir. Bu kelime genellikle kireçtaşı şeklinde yanlış yazılmaktadır. Doğru kullanımı kireç taşı şeklinde olmalıdır. Doğru yazımı: kireçtaşı (Yanlış kullanım) kireç taşı (Doğru kullanım) Cümle içinde örnek kullanım: Kalsiyum ...
Detailsçatlaklarla birbirinden ayrılmış düz ve kalın kireçtaşı tabakalarından oluşan doğal bir karst arazi şekli: limestone pavement n. 90: Geology: yontulabilen bir tür kireçtaşı: ganil [dialect] [uk] n. 91: Geology: almanya'daki triyas devri'ne ait üç tabakanın ortasındaki tabakayı oluşturan bir tür kabuklu kireçtaşı ...
DetailsThe World Heritage Property of South China Karst is a serial property that includes seven karst clusters in four Provinces: Shilin Karst, Libo Karst, Wulong Karst, Guilin Karst, Shibing Karst, Jinfoshan Karst, and Huanjiang Karst. The total area is 97,125 hectares, with a buffer zone of 176,228 hectares. The property was inscribed in two phases.
DetailsDetailed Description. Map shows karst areas of the continental United States having sinkholes in soluble rocks (carbonates and evaporites), as well as insoluble volcanic rocks that contain sinkholes. The volcanic bedrock areas contain lava tubes that are voids left behind by the subsurface flow of lava, rather than from the dissolution of the ...
DetailsEKMEKÇİ, Mehmet. "Karst in Turkish Thrace:Compatibility between geological history and karst type". Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 14/1 (2005), 73-90. Kendine özgü morfolojik ve hidrojeolojik özellikler gösteren karstik alanlar Türkiye'nin üçtebirini oluşturan karbonatlı kayaçların yayılım gösterdiği bölgelerde gözlenmektedir.
DetailsZonal karst types are climate and biogenic dependent (Table 1). Every karst of the azonal karst type also belongs to the zonal karst type. Characteristics arising from zonality may manifest very differently on various azonal karsts. The same karst area may also belong to several different azonal karst types (for example the karst areas of the ...
DetailsVeni, George. 2003. Delineation of hydrogeologic areas and zones for the management and recovery of endangered karst invertebrate species in Bexar County, Texas. Report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This report re-evaluated and, where applicable, revised the boundaries of each karst zone originally delineated in Veni (1994).
DetailsLiving museum of the Karst. Feel the northern wind of the Karst, the bora, sweeping across the landscape. Discover the intermittent lakes, especially the largest among them, Lake Cerknica.Visit the Eco-museum of the intermittent Pivka Lakes and learn more about the mysterious life of karstic rivers in the Rakov Škocjan regional park. The Wild Lake (Divje …
DetailsSee also. Jeolojik Bariyer Olarak Faylar, Örnek Çalışma: Çiğli Evka-5 Heyelanı (İzmir) Jeolojik Bariyer Olarak Faylar, Örnek Çalışma: Çiğli Evka-5 Heyelanı (İzmir) İmalat Taşınanlarının Açık Ocak Şev Duraylılığına Etkisi (Bir Durum İncelemesi) İmalat Taşınanlarının Açık Ocak Şev Duraylılığına Etkisi (Bir Durum İncelemesi)
Detailskarst, terrain usually characterized by barren, rocky ground, caves, sinkholes, underground rivers, and the absence of surface streams and lakes. It results from the excavating effects of underground water on massive soluble limestone. The term originally applied to the Karst (or Kras) physiographic region, a limestone area northeast of the ...
Details1. Introduction. Worldwide, karst areas comprise 20% of land mass (White et al., 1995) and karst aquifers are a source of drinking water for 25% of the population (Ford et al., 2007a).Karst areas are characterized by relatively soluble bedrock that form solutionally-enlarged crevices, conduits, caves, sinkholes, and sinking streams (Ford et …
DetailsThe epikarst —the skin of the karst—is the thin zone near the karst surface. It includes the solutionally modified (karren) bedrock surface and the overlying and included regolith. Some authors include dolines as part of the epikarst. The epikarst frequently supports a perched aquifer and serves to retard and store infiltrating rainwater.
DetailsTasonu (Arakli-Trabzon) kirectasi ocagi 2005–2007 yillari arasinda uc buyuk olcekli duzlemsel kaymaya maruz kalmistir. Yenilmelerin killi tabakalar uzerinde gerceklestigi anlasilmistir. Ocaktaki sevlerin egim acisi ve yuksekliklerinin fazla olmasi, kontrolsuz patlatmalarin yapilmasi ve asiri yagis gibi faktorlerin yenilmelere neden oldugu …
DetailsKarst environments, unique from other environments, require their own disturbance index. Karst resources are increasingly disturbed by a variety of processes related to social, physical, and economic factors. Recent studies have begun to qualify and quantify these disturbances, yet their focus has been limited to one or two factors such …